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Google Internship: Final Summer Update

2016-12-24T23:25:04-05:00September 11th, 2016|

If you have not read about my mid-summer internship experience at Google, please stop here and read this post first, or else this post might not make sense since this is a continuation of my first post. The first half of my internship went really well and once we finished training and orientation, we started [...]

Google Internship: Mid-Summer Update

2016-12-24T22:46:46-05:00August 14th, 2016|

If you keep up with my blog, you would have read that getting this Google internship was not beans (easy) and if you are familiar with Google at all, you will know that they are extremely selective when it comes to choosing interns. Apparently, their selection rate is at a whopping 2-3%. Can you imagine? [...]

How I Landed an Internship at Google

2018-03-04T01:24:00-05:00February 27th, 2017|

This post is long overdue but after speaking with countless people ever since I completed my internship at Google in September 2016, I thought it would be a good idea to list a few reasons why I believe I landed my Google internship. Please keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive - [...]

Harvard Business School: Peek Weekend

2018-06-25T10:00:30-04:00June 25th, 2018|

Last summer, I was serving as a Technology Consulting Intern at PwC out of their Dallas office. During that same time, I was meant to participate in Harvard Business School's Summer Venture in Management Program but I decided not to because I felt my internship was way too short and there was no way [...]

Let’s Talk About Rejection

2017-02-24T06:13:47-05:00October 30th, 2016|

Disclaimer: If you do not have a STRONG application and you apply for an internship/scholarship/program and get rejected, please, brethren, take some time and do some soul search. There is a fine line between doing all you can to get the job and being rejected versus submitting a non-competitive application and being rejected. God can’t [...]

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